Eco-Reef Case Studies
Eco-Reef Testing – University of Southampton - 2020
Our Eco-Reef Products have been extensively tested to ensure they effectively provide scour protection. We worked with the University of Southampton to design experiments to assess the evolution and shape of scour around our hexagonal and spherical Eco-Reef units as well as our Eco-Rock armour units. Flume experiments we designed with Froude Number Scaling (dynamic similitude) to test these units in fine sand subject to unidirectional, steady flow below (clear water) and above (live bed) the threshold for sand movement. The flow structure was assessed upstream, in the lee of the structure and further downstream in turbulent conditions. Enquire now to find out more.
Eco-Reef Testing – River Crouch Estuary - 2020
Back in September 2021 we deployed our novel Eco-Reef units in the crouch estuary, in the proximity of the Gunfleet Sands Offshore Windfarm off the coast of Essex. The aims of this trials are twofold: 1) To test assess the impact on scour in the area deployed in a natural environment. This builds on the success of the laboratory testing of these products which was competed with the University of Southampton. 2) To examine the biodiversity the units provide for. This will help us to provide evidence as to the effectiveness our Greening the Grey ® technology which supports bio-colonisation. Enquire now to find out more.