
Project aims

The ‘Living Windfarms Project’ will deliver a collaborative study into the feasibility of various production, transportation, and deployment methods. We can then compare these with industry standard approaches to identify the best route to market for our ExoReef units.

Key project objectives:

1.  Develop new ExoReef concepts to meet the needs of new markets and end user requirements

2. Identify cost effective, commercial production, transportation and distribution methods

3. Establish pilot deployments of ExoReef scour protection in an offshore site with long term biodiversity monitoring

4. Conduct effective industry outreach to share scientific learnings

These aims will be achieved through the project activities…

New Product development

Through the living windfarm project several Nature Inclusive ExoReef scour protection systems are being developed which meet different infrastructure requirements.

These include:

ExoSpheres: Create reef habitats which are integrated into the rock armour scour protection layer. Designed to be deployed at scale using fall pipes and hoper barges.

ExoIJver: Large purpose built artificial reef units, placed on top or around armour layer to provide habitats for juvenile fish species like cod

ExoMatt: Nature inclusive articulated concrete mattresses protect cables whilst facilitating the colonisation of reef building species

ExoAnchor: Gravity sinkers for moorings whilst creating reef habitats

ExoHub: Kick starts oyster reef restoration around turbine monopiles and other marine infrastructure

ExoWeighting: nature inclusive weights use to position geotextiles whilst encouraging growth of reef systems


In order for Nature Inclusive Designs to be viable for large scale uptake in the offshore wind sector, solutions need to be cost effective and meet needs of offshore wind end users and their supply chains.

Through the project new, innovative production methods and materials are being explored. This ensures that clients can be confident that ExoReef products will be price competitive, available close to the deployment site and with options to us ultralow carbon and recycled aggregates.

deployment pilot studies:

Multiple ExoReef concepts have been deployed at offshore sites in the Celtic Sea and North Sea. These are being extensively monitored with the latest techniques such as Environmental DNA and ROV (remotely operated vehicles).

Industry outreach:

Throughout the project duration we are running several project workshops. These workshops allow us to share our lessons we have learned during the project and learn from key players in the industry, and academia.