Eco-Rock Armour Case Studies

Eco-Rock Armour – Environment Agency - Brightlingsea, Essex - 2020

32 of Our Eco-Rock Armour units were deployed in collaboration with the Environment Agency at Moverons Farm Brightlingsea, Essex. We assessed the initial biocolonisation from one season of growth (2020-2021). The Eco-Rock Armour had been colonised by initial biofilms, facilitating growth of higher trophic macrophytes such as Enteromorpha (Green filamentous algae). The heterogenous surface textures of our blocks promote bio-receptiveness, leading to colonisation of crustaceans and molluscs such as periwinkle gastropods sheltering in the ledges and crevices of our design.  In comparison to adjacent homogenous rock armour the contrast in diversity is stark, with only filamentous Enteromorpha present on these traditional erosion control units, with a dearth of higher trophic organisms, including sessile arthropods and mobile gastropods which were observed on the Eco-Rock Armour units. Enquire now to find out more.

Eco-Rock Armour – SARCC- Newlyn, Cornwall - 2020.

Our Newlyn trial in Cornwall forms part of the Interreg funded SARCC (Sustainable And Resilient Coastal Cities) project, to study effectiveness of Nature Based Solutions (NBS) for coastal defence.  This involved the deployment of 12 Eco-Rock Armour Blocks in 2020 which will be studied and monitored until Autumn 2022. This project will determine the ability of Eco-Rock Armour to function as erosion control and will allow us study how their unique heterogeneous surface textures aids bio-colonisation. It has been one year since deployment, and bio-colonisation of pioneer floral biofilms and later higher trophic organisms are well underway. Species present include filamentous algae Enteromorpha, Periwinkles Littorina saxatalis and Bladder wrack sea-weed Fucus vesiculosus. Enquire now to find out more.