Product Testing
The ……name……….Project includes an extensive product testing programme. The Eco Reef spheres are designed to be compatible with conventional loading and deployment methods already used for traditional scour protection. The spherical units therefor need to be resilient to impacts throughout the loading and deployment process. The Eco Reef testing programme is designed to test and evidence the suitability of Eco Reef Spheres to be mass deployed using conventional methods.
The Eco Reef testing programme includes :
· Eco Reef material testing – Eco Reefs are made using GeoBlock® technology using recycled materials to create viable habitat enhancing products. Testing will be used to show the materials potential compressive strength, tensile strength and impact resilience of the materials made using this technology.
· Eco Reef sphere strength testing –The……..projectname……….will examine the strength of the eco reef spherical units by using drop tests and crush tests to understand the products survivability and impact resistance. This will then inform the loading and deployment methods.
· Fall pipe trial pilots – pilot trials will use be sued to understand the behaviour of the eco sphere units when deployed using a fall pipe.
· Flume tank experiments – the testing programme will expand on the existing flume tank experiments of Eco Reef products, (find out more here) . These new experiments will focus on the behaviour of a large group of units on sediment representative of a typical offshore wind filter layer.
· Loading trials – conventional vessel loading methods such as loading conveyor belts will be applied to the Eco Reef spheres